2023 The Year of Inception
We’re on the threshold of another new year, and I don’t know about you but I still feel like I could use at least another week of “yin”...

William's First Song ~ "If Your Heart Won't Crack"
In yesterday's blog, I mentioned today's Solar Eclipse in Taurus, the Venus, Jupiter, Neptune conjunction in Pisces, and the release of...

Libra New Moon ~ Striving for Balance
The next few days are gearing up to be quite powerful for us to navigate, beginning with the New Moon. Today, at 4:05 am PDT, the Moon...

Saturn-Uranus Square ~ How Does Your Structure Want to be Changed?
Today, we have the 2nd of 3 Saturn-Uranus squares. With Saturn in fixed air sign, Aquarius, square Uranus in fixed earth sign, Taurus,...

The Final Great Conjunction of 2020
After the difficult year that we’ve had, having Saturn and Jupiter move from Capricorn into Aquarius is a breath of fresh air!

Cancer Solstice & Potent Solar Eclipse
The authority structures of our world are being challenged and that’s okay…we are enough individually and collectively, and quickly we’ll fi

Commitment to Our Soul's Curriculum
The most important commitment you have is the one you made to yourself before this lifetime. You made a plan before you were born…your life

"The Finger of God" in Leo
This is definitely the time for creative expressions that are brought forth from the depths of your soul! When you know that it would be a

The Tango of Saturn & the South Node
Saturn has been doing an extremely rare 6-month long, dance backwards with the South Node of the Moon...stirring up all things karmic in our

Saturn Supports this Scorpio Full Moon
Given that Saturn is so strongly supporting the Sun and Moon, we have a very good opportunity to gain serious traction in our endeavors.