2023 The Year of Inception
We’re on the threshold of another new year, and I don’t know about you but I still feel like I could use at least another week of “yin”...
A Sagittarius Solar Return & Final Solar Eclipse
This is the first year that William & I have traveled for our Solar Returns. I must say that I’m a fan! In my recent blog: “A Scorpio...
A Scorpio Solar Return & New Moon
Every year when the Sun returns to the exact degree and minute that it was when you took your first breath in this incarnation, you get...
Freedom Isn’t Freedom Unless Everyone is Free
The transformative nature of Pluto gives us a huge opportunity to bring to the surface our deepest shadows, which we have been doing our bes
The Sun's Ingress into Libra ~ Bring on the Holidays!
The Sun has moved into Libra, the sign of harmony and balance. The Librans in our lives are masters of cooperation and compromise…as long a
Mother Earth
Last Saturday was Earth Day, this coming Saturday is the People's Climate March all around the world, and we should make a point to...
Many Happy Returns ~ Our Aries Friends Are Getting Their Solar Returns
Just as the natal chart offers important clues that can help one navigate one's life, the moment of the Solar Return will indicate patte