Sagittarius New Moon – Happy Season of Gratitude!
It has been a long time since I’ve been so happy about the song coming from our celestial orchestra! Yes, Mars is still retrograde in...
Happy Leo New Moon!
This one is happening amid some dynamic energy but it feels like a beautiful ray of sunshine, which reminds us that we each hold divinity...
Happy Cancer Solstice!
Whether you are in the north, and it’s the beginning of summer, the longest day of the year, or in the south and you are experiencing the...
Eclipse Season – Taurus Solar Eclipse Brings Surprises
Have you been enjoying this glorious season so far? Back on April 12th, Jupiter joined with Neptune, beginning a beautiful new cycle with...
Once in a Lifetime ~ Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces!
Tomorrow we will have a once in a lifetime occurrence…Jupiter is joining with Neptune in Pisces! What’s special about this is they only joi
Loving Our Polarities ~ Mars Catches Up to Venus!
The heavens are quite active this week! The Full Moon happened at 8:56am PST this morning at 28° Leo. The Full Moon chart is packed with...
The Final Great Conjunction of 2020
After the difficult year that we’ve had, having Saturn and Jupiter move from Capricorn into Aquarius is a breath of fresh air!
Cancer Solstice & Potent Solar Eclipse
The authority structures of our world are being challenged and that’s okay…we are enough individually and collectively, and quickly we’ll fi
Merry Solar Eclipse Christmas!
Regardless of the holiday that you celebrate near the Winter Solstice, this year’s Final Solar Eclipse on December 25-26th is sure to arrive
Special Thanksgiving Gifts!
Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of this day of gratitude, I have decided to give you, my friends, a very special gift. For any report or servic