Equinox, Libra, & Invoking Balance
It’s here! That lovely time of year when we can almost taste the nip in the air…at least that is the case for those of us in the north....

Happy Virgo New Moon!
There’s a lot of focus on Mercury with this Virgo New Moon! The only major aspect that the Sun and Moon make is an almost exact square to...

Gemini New Moon - The Tension of Opposites
This year’s Gemini New Moon is happening at 7:30 AM EDT on Monday, May 30, 2022 @ 09°03” Gemini. There are several significant factors...

Mercury Moves Backwards from Taurus into Aries
When Mercury goes retrograde we flip into our right-brain, which is the artistic, inspired, and inventive side. We may be less logical, but

Mercury Retrograde ~ Is it Time to Batten Down the Hatches?
When Mercury begins its dance “backwards,” you may hear people say, "Oh no, Mercury is retrograde! Should I just hide under the covers