Embrace the Sagittarius Full Moon: A Gateway to Empowerment
The Sagittarius Full Moon promises to illuminate our lives with a renewed sense of empowerment and purpose. This Full Moon brings a...
Sagittarius New Moon – Happy Season of Gratitude!
It has been a long time since I’ve been so happy about the song coming from our celestial orchestra! Yes, Mars is still retrograde in...
A Sagittarius Solar Return & Final Solar Eclipse
This is the first year that William & I have traveled for our Solar Returns. I must say that I’m a fan! In my recent blog: “A Scorpio...
Our Sun ~ The Giver of Life & Light
It comes as no surprise that most people identify with their Sun sign, rather than their Moon sign, rising sign or the signs where all of th
Special Thanksgiving Gifts!
Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of this day of gratitude, I have decided to give you, my friends, a very special gift. For any report or servic
Sagittarius New Moon ~ Some Magical Galactic Help for 2018
Every now and then everything aligns to support us in creating the life of our dreams. This New Moon is one of those times!
Every now and t
Our Ringed God Turns Backwards
Today, April 6, 2017, Saturn will begin going retrograde. In fact, five planets will be retrograde this month: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercu
Mercury Retrograde ~ Is it Time to Batten Down the Hatches?
When Mercury begins its dance “backwards,” you may hear people say, "Oh no, Mercury is retrograde! Should I just hide under the covers