A Sagittarius Solar Return & Final Solar Eclipse
This is the first year that William & I have traveled for our Solar Returns. I must say that I’m a fan! In my recent blog: “A Scorpio Solar Return & New Moon." I wrote about his birthday/Solar Return trip where we ventured up to Boise, Idaho, because that was a great place to spend his “10 Hours of Power,” while also visiting our niece, Jen, and good friend Nikki.
For my birthday, Sedona happened to be an excellent place to spend my 10 Hours of Power, while paying a visit to our dear friends, Cilette and Roman or CeCe & Ro of Gypsy Soul, in Prescott, Arizona. We enjoyed our brief visit with them on our way to Sedona.
Cilette and Roman of Gypsy Soul
If you haven't heard them perform, then you are in for a treat! They perform online on the last Saturday of every month, so I highly recommend tuning in to hear them play…they are amazingly talented! Their concerts are free but donations are greatly appreciated as they had to move all of their performances online due to the pandemic, with occasional in person performances. You can check out their website here….GypsySoul.com
William and I haven’t been to Sedona in years, but it is a very magical place, so I was blessed to spend my Solar Return there.
This year, my Solar Return fell on Thanksgiving, the day before my birthday, which we spent at our hotel.
I was actually born on Thanksgiving when my mother had to settle for a hamburger for dinner (at least she didn’t have to cook…but she was baking me!). My father was given a lesson on botulism by the nurses when he tried to smuggle in some turkey!
This is a photo of our very jubilant and friendly waiter, Mario, from Guatemala delivering me my birthday dessert during my solar return.
During our stay, he regaled us with stories of seeing an old Chevrolet Bel Air vanish on the road in front of him, while his friends and he tried to catch up with it on a desert road, and another story of when the face of a native American appeared outside the car window on a trip to Jerome! He also said that he felt like a little kid when his colleague pointed out a rainstorm that only filled half of his field of vision, while the other half was completely dry!
We had our own peculiar sightings of streaking lights in the sky with no tail like a shooting star has, a zigzagging light, and two bursts of light! Sedona is well known for its UFO sightings and its vortices of energy.
Another mysterious thing is that just about every picture I took of William after this, there was some sort of light covering the right half of his body. It looks like he's summoning the vortex! Now I may have lost some of you and I certainly haven't come to any conclusions myself other than it's one of the things that makes me go, "hmmm...."
If you haven’t been to Sedona, I seriously recommend visiting there. It is a magnificent place, which used to be under the ocean many millions of years ago—you can tell by the fantastic rock formations and layers!
While the desert may lack water, it makes up for that in natural beauty full of spirit and resilient life!
It was so cute, just about every day when we were exploring the terrain, William would exclaim, "This was all under water!"
Here we are up at the Airport Mesa, where about 75-100 people had gathered to watch the sunset glow on the various vortex mountains of Sedona. We met two beautiful Navajo teens, who were selling necklaces that they had made. Nizhoni, on the right below, took our picture and she made the necklace that William bought for me.
Chapel Hill is so beautiful and also a vortex site!
Can you spot the baby eagle in the rocks in the pic below?
By the end of the weekend, the Thanksgiving crowds subsided enough for us to explore Bell Rock.
Sedona also has many wonderful art galleries, shops, and restaurants. Tlaquepaque is a must visit!
Just about everywhere one looks, there is something beautiful to behold! This lovely Great Blue Heron is in one of the many Round Abouts:
William found a friend!
There are beautiful works of art everywhere!
...& massive crystal geodes!
We were blown away by the view from this winery, "1912" in town! All of the chairs are facing the mountains and there is an invitation to stay awhile and enjoy the changing view as the sun sets.
While traveling is not for everyone, I would definitely consider it for your Solar Return if you do enjoy it, for it could enhance your following 12 months!
The one thing to bear in mind is that traveling can offer you more unexpected events than when you are at home, so if you are thinking of going out of town for your Solar Return, you will want to plan to check in to your accommodations at least by the night before so that you can get situated. We had a mishap at our hotel, but fortunately it didn’t occur until after my 10 Hours of Power were over!
Traveling in general tends to expand our minds because we are in a new place with new scenery, cultures, and people. Even if you can’t travel out of town, you can still visit art galleries, theaters, and museums to help you view things differently. Travel is ruled by Mercury because Mercury rules transportation, while Jupiter, who rules Sagittarius, the sign of travel, philosophy, freedom, and adventure, expands whatever he touches!
Here is a photo that William took of me meditating once we had climbed up onto Bell Rock.
... And writing my Solar Return intentions for the year…
Speaking of intentions, we had the final Sagittarius Solar Eclipse New Moon last night at 11:33 PM PST.
The Lunar Nodes are retrograding from the Gemini/Sagittarius axis into the Taurus/Scorpio axis in early 2022. Two weeks ago, we had the first Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and last night we had the last Sagittarius Solar Eclipse until eight years from now when the nodes are back in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.
During the past year and a half, we’ve had the opportunity to grapple with the concepts of multiple (Gemini) truths (Sagittarius). With this final Sagittarian eclipse, we have one last chance to release any falsehoods that we’ve been holding onto and embrace our own personal truth.
We are all on the threshold of the next step of our journey. We have been in an 18-month exploration of our beliefs, or what we hold true as our personal paradigms and with the shift into the Taurus/Scorpio axis, we will be refining our values.
As we are still playing in the realm of Gemini/Sagittarius, let us take one last moment to clarify what we hold dear in our minds. Let us contemplate what is no longer serving us and consciously release it/them.
This is the time to get clear about what you are willing to release and know that when you let go of that which is outworn, you create space for your next step on your journey. When you consciously do this, with the intention and focus on your own evolution, this will catalyze a tremendous upgrade within your/our world. Before you know it, you will find yourself living in the world of your choosing.
This is deep work! Thank you for being here and for
making the difference that only you can make!
What part do you intend to play in the birth of the world that you want to live in? Why did you choose to be born into this timeline? No matter how tumultuous life seems to be right now, know that there is something beautiful that is emerging.
Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash