Cancer Full Moon: A Luminous Call to Nurture Amidst Transformational Times
The Cancer Full Moon invites us to honor our emotional landscapes & embrace the essence of what truly makes us feel safe, loved, and at home
Winter Solstice 2024: A Sacred Pause in the Stillness
The Sun’s pause in the southern sky is a gentle reminder for us to pause with it.
Sagittarius New Moon: Charting the Path to Humanity’s Next Chapter
As the Moon and Sun join forces in the adventurous and truth-seeking sign of Sagittarius, we are being offered a cosmic invitation to dream
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Inspiration, Reflection, & Cosmic Static
Yes, Mercury is retrograde, once again! Mercury retrograde isn't unusual, it's one of the more regular astronomical rhythms next to New...
Scorpio New Moon: Diving Deep, Rising Strong
This Scorpio New Moon brings profound energy, reflection, transformation—an ideal time to dive into the depths of what truly matters to us.
Annular Solar Eclipse: Wrapping Up the Libra Eclipse Cycle
The Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024, marks the final eclipse in the Aries-Libra axis for Libra...
Aquarius Full Super Moon: Diamonds Form Under Pressure
The Moon at 27°15’ Aquarius opposes the Sun at 27°15’ Leo, with both luminaries forming a tense T-square to Uranus at 27°11’ Taurus.
Leo New Moon: Embracing Bold New Beginnings!
This Leo New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires...
Blue Full Moon in Capricorn: A Time of Completion and Transformation
The Blue Capricorn Full Moon graces our skies on July 21st, lighting up the final degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, marking a significant...
Embracing the Cancer New Moon: A Call to Nurture and Heal
Happy 4th of July! This year’s Independence Day stands out as one of the most striking and ironic in the history of the United States....