Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Inspiration, Reflection, & Cosmic Static
Yes, Mercury is retrograde, once again! Mercury retrograde isn't unusual, it's one of the more regular astronomical rhythms next to New...

Leo New Moon: Embracing Bold New Beginnings!
This Leo New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions that align with our true passions and desires...

Embracing Our Ancient Origins with the Sagittarius New Moon at the Galactic Center
The Sagittarius New Moon aligns near the Galactic Center, making this next month one of profound, transformational significance....

Mercury's Dance: Navigating the Retrograde Rhythm in Virgo Season
Thank God for Mercury Retrograde! Have you ever heard anyone say that? In fact, thank God for all of the retrogrades! If we didn’t have...

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus
It’s that time again… not only are we in eclipse season, but Mercury has also just stationed retrograde! This year, the Mercury...

Full Steam Ahead…Almost?
At long last, after being retrograde since last October, Mars has stationed to turn direct today, January 12, 2023 @ 08°08’ in Gemini…...

2023 The Year of Inception
We’re on the threshold of another new year, and I don’t know about you but I still feel like I could use at least another week of “yin”...

The Stillness of Winter
This year’s Capricorn Solstice is more oomph and less still! Yesterday, on the 20th, Jupiter made his final ingress into Aries, where he...

New Moon in the Sign of the Scales
This year’s Libra New Moon packs a punch with the Sun and Moon opposite Jupiter, and all of them are in stressful aspects with the...

Equinox, Libra, & Invoking Balance
It’s here! That lovely time of year when we can almost taste the nip in the air…at least that is the case for those of us in the north....