The Stillness of Winter
This year’s Capricorn Solstice is more oomph and less still!
Yesterday, on the 20th, Jupiter made his final ingress into Aries, where he expands our drive to go out and conquer our horizons!
Today, December 21, 2022, the Sun will reach that southernmost point (the Tropic of Capricorn) at 1:48pm PT and move into Capricorn, where he will square Jupiter. Both the Sun and Jupiter are in the first degree of cardinal signs, which means that they are on the "World Point." ** This brings on a BIG energy that is likely to inspire us to take on all of those big projects…just in time for the holidays…
Those plans that we put on the back burner are being dusted off, and it’s feeling like it’s almost go time… but not just yet, since Mercury is about to go retrograde (Dec 29th at 24°21’ Cap – Jan 18th at 08°09’ Cap). If you do find yourself initiating something now, expect to do some revising when Mercury does his backward shuffle!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Super Out of Bounds New Moon in Capricorn
The Capricorn New Moon will happen in the wee hours of this Friday the 23rd at 2:17 am. The Moon will be very close to her perigee point in her elliptical journey around the Earth, which makes her a Super Moon...much closer to the Earth...
She is also out-of-bounds, as have been Mercury, Venus, and Mars for the past several weeks....well Mars has been out-of-bounds ever since October 21st, just before he turned retrograde in Gemini and will be until May 5, 2023, when he's well into Cancer, but that's a whole other story! When planets are out-of-bounds, their declination is beyond the 23°26' maximum path that the Sun travels. They are considered to be a bit rogue and metaphorically play by their own rules!
Back to our current Capricorn New Moon... in addition to the aforementioned conditions of the Moon, both the Sun & Moon will be square Jupiter then, you may find yourself doubly inspired to tackle those ambitious plans...
If you do, just be prepared to do some editing, adjusting, revising, etc. down the road—keep this in mind as you tackle the work that you know needs to be done!
Your New Moon Intentions
There are a few times to do them…
There is a nice long window until the Moon joins Mercury on December 24th at 11:32 am.
The Moon moves into Aquarius at 11:13 pm on December 24th where she joins Saturn at 10:19 am on the 26th –this is a very serious time for those plans that you really, REALLY want to set into stone.
The Moon is in Pisces from December 26th at 11:34 pm until she sextiles Mercury at 4:43 pm on December 28th—this is a more imaginative and spiritual time.
Capricorn Keywords:
I have always loved this sacred time of year! In honor of the holidays, William and I have created a Special Gift for YOU! From now until the beginning of January, we are offering a 2-for-1 special on our reports.
However you celebrate this lovely time of year, may your world be filled with love, peace, comfort, and joy!
Much love,
** When planets transit the World Axis points — 0 degrees or 22.5 degrees of the cardinal signs, 15 degrees of the fixed signs, or 7.5 degrees of the mutable signs — we expect world-shaking events. 16th Harmonic