Embracing Our Ancient Origins with the Sagittarius New Moon at the Galactic Center
The Sagittarius New Moon aligns near the Galactic Center, making this next month one of profound, transformational significance....
Eclipse Season – Taurus Solar Eclipse Brings Surprises
Have you been enjoying this glorious season so far? Back on April 12th, Jupiter joined with Neptune, beginning a beautiful new cycle with...
Aries New Moon ~ Full Steam Ahead!
There are times when we want to pause and get all of our ducks in a row…dot every “i” and cross every “t”, and there are times when it’s...
New Moon in Pisces Brings Hope for Humanity
I’ll start by stating that my heart has been breaking for our world. I know that I am not alone. I keep reminding myself that we signed...
Aquarius New Moon – A New Earth Won’t Birth Herself!
At 9:45pm PST on January 31st, the Sun and Moon are joining in Aquarius at 12°20’. With the New Moon squaring Uranus and conjunct Saturn,...
2022 ~ New Year Kicks off with a New Moon!
2022 is shaping up to be a much more uplifting year than we have had in quite a while! As we are looking forward to the unfolding of...
A Sagittarius Solar Return & Final Solar Eclipse
This is the first year that William & I have traveled for our Solar Returns. I must say that I’m a fan! In my recent blog: “A Scorpio...
A Scorpio Solar Return & New Moon
Every year when the Sun returns to the exact degree and minute that it was when you took your first breath in this incarnation, you get...
Virgo New Moon ~ Surfing the Waves
Have you ever tried catching a wave, or watched a surfer catching a wave? A wave can be caught too early or too late…well the wave is...
Cancer New Moon ~ Fertile Soil for Planting Seeds
I have a confession to make. There are times when I just don’t feel that I have the “bandwidth” to do certain things…. I have shared...