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2022 ~ New Year Kicks off with a New Moon!

2022 is shaping up to be a much more uplifting year than we have had in quite a while!

As we are looking forward to the unfolding of 2022, there are several themes and key aspects that are jumping out. As 2022 progresses, I will expand on these more deeply.

First off, we are beginning the year with the Capricorn New Moon, which happens at 10:33 am, PST, Sunday, January 2nd at 12°20' Capricorn.

Be sure to check your chart to see where this will land. This will be the theme for the next lunar month.

Capricorn is the practical, responsible sign of great ambition, excellence, and leadership. Uranus in Taurus is in a nice tight trine with the Sun & Moon, lending his innovative, imaginative, and "outside of the box" energy to the normally more staid Capricorn New Moon.

For the most potent intention setting, be sure to set your intentions before 8:20 am, PST on the 3rd, when the Moon conjuncts Pluto. If you miss that window, there's another nice one when the Moon moves into Aquarius at 2:44 pm, PST on the 3rd until 4:45 pm, PST on the 4th, when the Moon sextiles Mars. Then again from 4:16 pm, PST on the 5th, when the Moon ingresses Pisces until 2:23 pm, PST on the 7th, when the Moon sextiles Pluto.

The Capricorn Themes for your New Moon Ceremony are:

* Responsibility

* Ambition

* Practical

* Hardworking

* Economical

* Goal Setting

* Success

* Professional

* Authority

Now for the themes of the rest of the year...

I. Jupiter in Pisces

We are already beginning to feel this big theme as Jupiter just entered his home sign of Pisces on December 28th.

Jupiter travels through the whole zodiac in 12 years. This means that he takes roughly a year to go through each sign.

Each planet has dominion or rulership over one or two signs…

The following are the planets and the signs that they rule (ancient rulerships):

· Sun - Leo

· Moon – Cancer

· Mercury – Gemini & Virgo

· Venus – Taurus & Libra

· Mars – Aries & Scorpio

· Jupiter – Sagittarius & Pisces

· Saturn – Capricorn & Aquarius

· Uranus – Aquarius (modern ruler)

· Neptune – Pisces (modern ruler)

· Pluto – Scorpio (modern ruler)

Jupiter has spent the past two years in his very stern father’s signs, Capricorn and then Aquarius, where the feel is so much heavier being ruled by Saturn. There’s a sense that there is much work to do…so many responsibilities!

Jupiter is now SO ready (as we all are) to move on!

Years ago, William overheard his brother, Joseph, coaching someone over the phone. He was saying, with just the right tone of sarcasm and humor, “This is a very serious matter!” For most of our lives, we can tend to take ourselves and events much too seriously, whereas if we just lightened up a little, life would likely flow a lot more easily for us. Being too serious in life is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Jupiter’s expansive nature loves the vastness of the misty, spiritual waters of Pisces!

When planets are in their own domicile, they are just plain happier!

Like many of you, during the still and quiet evenings between the winter solstice and the New Year, William and I have enjoyed the pure yin energy of winter, which we now call “Yinter Time,” but this year we will all want to explore what our souls truly crave!

Key Jupiter dates in 2022:

· Jupiter into Pisces – December 28, 2021

· Jupiter temporarily moves into Aries – May 10, 2022

· Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces – October 27, 2022

· Jupiter makes his yearly ingress into Aries – December 20, 2022

While Jupiter is in Pisces, he will join with Neptune on April 12, 2022 at 23°59'. During this time, Venus, who is exalted in Pisces, will also be there from April 5th until May 2nd. This is HUGE! All three planets who have dignity will be in Pisces during the same window of time. This won’t happen again during our lifetimes!

This will be a fantastic time for artists, visionaries, and mystics. There is a feeling of the being called into the highest expression of ourselves!

I wrote this short little prayer:

We are ready to embrace your more feminine/reflective

expression, great expansive one.

We are ready to celebrate what it means to be

in a state of contemplation of our connection with all that is…

to embrace the exquisite communion.

We are ready to let in the subtlest, most intimate parts of ourselves.

We are ready to grok ourselves…

each and every one of us as expressions of God.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!”

II. Saturn square Uranus – continuing into 2022

The theme of 2021 was a dynamic struggle between the old, traditional structures of society and the new wanting to be born.

While Saturn and Uranus have moved past perfecting their square to each other, they will get very close during the fall of 2022.

We can expect more of the themes of tradition vs. revolution, which hopefully can invite us into a transformation of our values, and assist us into owning our own autonomy, self-authority, and sovereignty.

This may be the year for the long predicted financial collapse, followed by a restructuring, perhaps bringing cryptocurrencies into the mainstream. Just recently, the Staples Center in Los Angeles got a rebranding of the Arena!

III. Eclipses & the Nodal Shift from Gemini/Sagittarius into Taurus/Scorpio

One of the most powerful places to put our consciousness is to be in the place of “being in the question.” Most of us in our modern culture tend to live within various boxes of certainty.

So much about our world can be overwhelming, so to create a sense of control or even as a survival technique we go through our lives within a paradigm of “what we know to be so.” This allows us to function within our 3-dimensional world and society, but it also leads to a very limited life.

As the nodes are moving from Gemini/Sagittarius into Taurus/Scorpio, let us take a look back on the past 18 months and ponder what we “know to be so.” What do we really know?

As we move from the Gemini/Sagittarius domains of ideas, beliefs, and “truths” into the more grounded and deeper realms of Taurus and Scorpio, may we bring with us a healthy tincture of “being in the question.”

Taurus will want us to be very certain about reality, but Uranus is there shaking things up and asking us to question our premises. It’s amusing to me that the word premise has a double entendre here. Premise: a place, location, property… and premise: a supposition, assumption, presumption…

This year as the North Node moves from the curious sign of Gemini into the realm of Taurus, so let us continue to “be in the question” and check our assumptions.

With the North Node in Taurus, we will find ourselves dealing with (the term grappling with almost feels more apt) issues around resources, food supply, land allocation, money supply, and currency changes.

Eclipses – Where they land in your chart will indicate the key areas of karmic growth/transformation/evolution…

· April 30, 2022 – Partial Solar Eclipse (10° Taurus)

· May 16, 2022 – Total Lunar Eclipse (25° Scorpio)

· October 25, 2022 – Partial Solar Eclipse (2° Scorpio)

· November 8, 2022 – Total Lunar Eclipse (16° Taurus)

IV. Retrogrades

This year will also be a hallmark year in that every planet that can go retrograde will.

Mercury and the outer planets from Jupiter out to Pluto all go retrograde each year, but Venus and Mars do not. This year, they will join the pantheon and we will have the gift of re-creating and playing more deeply with each of these energies!

The two lovers, Venus (who is currently retrograde) and Mars, will join each other twice this year:

· February 16, 2022 – 16°53’ Capricorn

· March 5, 2022 – 00°02’ Aquarius

This is particularly auspicious given that they are ruling the Lunar Nodes:

· Taurus (Venus) / Scorpio (Mars)

We’ll have lots of opportunities to dig into our relationships and our value systems, along with exploring the joys and pitfalls of being flesh and blood human beings!

To that end, Venus is now retrograde in Capricorn. Because she stationed while she was conjunct Pluto, we are getting a supreme opportunity to plumb the depths of our relationships and to get to the core of that which is most important to us!

This is a reminder to steer clear of doing anything of a permanent nature as it relates to Venusian things. Venus rules love, finances, beauty, and the arts.

When a planet is retrograde it is closer to the Earth than when it's direct. This amplifies the energy of the particular planet.

When Venus is retrograde, we feel her much more strongly and there is a great temptation to play in her realm. By all means play! Venus wants us to play in her realm. While she's in Capricorn, she is refining our value systems and reminding us that we are worthy of great things. In Vedic astrology, Venus and Saturn are friends. She's in his home right now and being invited to take on more substance, responsibility, to live with impeccable integrity, and to own her authority. She wants us to explore what truly matter to us! Here's the thing, she's only retrograde for a brief time in her whole journey around the Sun. Play, but nothing too permanent! Otherwise, you may regret decisions made once she goes direct.

This means:

· No marriages

· No tattoos

· No permanent makeup

· No plastic surgery

· No major purchases

I know, I know…”But Elise, this feels so good…we’re in love!” Yes, and you will still be in love once the goddess goes direct in 40ish days! Rose colored glasses are lovely but making big decisions with them on is not the wisest thing.

Venus Retrograde Dates:

· Venus enters her pre-retrograde shadow at 11°05’ Capricorn – November 17, 2021

· Venus stations retrograde at 26°21’ Capricorn – December 19, 2021

· Venus stations direct at 11°05’ Capricorn – January 29, 2022

· Venus clears her post-retrograde shadow at 26°21’ Capricorn – February 4, 2022

Venus Conjunction Pluto Dates:

· December 11, 2021 – 25°19’ Capricorn

· December 25, 2021 – 25°44’ Capricorn

· March 3, 2022 – 27°51’ Capricorn

Mars Retrograde Dates:

· Mars enters her pre-retrograde shadow at 08°08’ Gemini – September 3, 2022

· Mars stations retrograde at 25°37’ Gemini – October 30, 2022

· Mars stations direct at 08°08’ Gemini – January 12, 2023

· Mars clears her post-retrograde shadow at 25°37’ Gemini – March 15, 2023

V. United States & Pluto

One of the most potent aspects this year is the United States will have her Pluto return. What this means is that he will arrive at 27°33’ of Capricorn, which is where he was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Pluto moves so slowly that this is the first time that the U.S. will receive this return!

There has been much anticipation and perhaps trepidation about this. Pluto (Roman) or Hades (Greek) is the god of the underworld. He rules that which is beneath the surface and is associated with bringing the collective shadow to the surface.

Due to Earth’s orbit relative to Pluto, Pluto will return 3 times in 2022:

· February 20, 2022

· July 11, 2022

· December 28, 2022

This Pluto return could feel pretty ominous, particularly given the current events and struggles in Washington D.C., but given that jubilant Jupiter in Pisces will also be sextile to Pluto during this spring, I am inviting all of us to envision the world you want to live in.

This is a time of deep transformation and creation…

so get clear and write it down!

Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

There is so much to look forward to... William & I wish you a wonderful new year!


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