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Aries New Moon ~ Full Steam Ahead!

There are times when we want to pause and get all of our ducks in a row…dot every “i” and cross every “t”, and there are times when it’s simply time to giddy-up! With the Sun and Moon joining together in the “go get ‘em” cardinal and fire sign of Aries, it is time to launch baby launch!

Photo by Livin4wheel on Unsplash

Now you may have other aspects going on in your chart that are indicating that it may still not be go time, but for most of the world, there is a feeling of unbridled activity and freedom!

What is it that you are wanting to give birth to?

What is the one thing that only you can bring into the world? You were born for a great purpose…what is it? The world is your oyster, and it’s time to enjoy the passion that is revealed and released when you are living your dharma!

Trust me, I know that there are a lot of steps involved with most endeavors. Often trying to create something can be so daunting that one can become paralyzed by the enormity of the thing. This is where the brilliance of the courageous Aries energy comes in.

Anything worth doing is worth overcoming any obstacle, real or imagined!

One cannot ride a bike without putting that bike into motion. When you start riding a bike, you’ll fall over without using your legs for support, but once you start moving, you realize that it’s a lot easier to stay on the bike when you are moving forward…

So, what is your thing? What is it that you want to put into motion? With every single planet in our solar system in direct motion until the end of April, and this genuinely fearless energy of Aries, what do you have to lose?

Sometimes you can’t really know what needs to be fixed until you can see your project in action, and you can’t get to the next step or peek around the next corner until you get started…

So, all I can say is that the world is waiting for YOU and YOUR brilliance!

“Done is better than perfect every time!”

To help you with in your endeavors, I always recommend writing New Moon intentions.

The 11° Aries New Moon is happening at 11:24 pm PDT tonight, March 31, 2022, & the windows for your intentions will be from then until 6:51 am on April 2nd, when the Moon squares Pluto and goes Void-of-Course. There's another window from 9:50 am on April 2nd until April 4th at 6:53 pm, when the Moon squares Venus & goes VOC...& then from 8:04 pm on April 4th until 8:14 pm on April 6th when the Moon trines Mars.

Aries Themes:

  • New Beginnings

  • Courage

  • Fearlessness

  • Activity

  • Pioneering

  • Eager

  • Dynamic

  • Independence

  • Enthusiastic

Happy intending & launching!!!


P.S. If you are ready for a new project, but you don’t know what it is, and you want to work from home and make a HUGE difference in the world, then check out what William and I are launching here…


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