Happy Leo New Moon!
This one is happening amid some dynamic energy but it feels like a beautiful ray of sunshine, which reminds us that we each hold divinity within us…
We are each unique sparks of the infinite and from that consciousness anything is possible!
The Sun and Moon are at 05°39’ Leo and trine to the great benefic, Jupiter, who is even more potent in his expansively beneficial presence because he’s stationed at 8°43’ and poised to go retrograde today.
Jupiter Turns Retrograde
Jupiter spends roughly a year in each sign, and 2022 is the year that Jupiter is traveling through Pisces, but he zipped so quickly through Pisces from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022, when he entered Aries, so he only spent 4 ½ months in Pisces!
For those of us who loved having him in his deeply spiritual domicile, that was not nearly enough time! Well, he’s coming back folks, though it’ll take a few months for him to travel from 08°43’ Aries (where he is now) until he journeys back into his watery home late in the evening of October 27, 2022. He’ll station direct on November 23rd & then re-enter Aries on December 20, 2022, where he’ll be until May 16, 2023, when he ingresses into Taurus.
*Note that all dates & times are Pacific time.
Our solar system has an elliptical orbit, and right now Jupiter’s journey through the Pisces/Aries regions are much quicker than his journeys through other signs. All in all, it takes him 12 years to traverse the whole zodiac.
Take note, that if you have planets or sensitive points in the late degrees of any sign or early degrees of a sign, specifically from 28° - 8°, then you are getting an extra treat this year because Jupiter has & will aspect them 3 times! Even if the aspect is a square or opposition, Jupiter brings blessings. If the aspect is a conjunction, trine or sextile then double Yay!
New Moon Intentions
As always, New Moons bring new beginnings and are excellent times to plant “new seeds” of intention while the Moon is waxing…
I’m inviting you to hold off until this coming weekend. The reason being is that the Moon’s parting aspect before she goes Void-of-Course in Leo is an opposition to Saturn, which can have the effect of acting like a metaphoric stop sign, we definitely don’t want that with our heartfelt intentions!
On Saturday, July 30th at 11:10 am, PDT, the Moon moves into Virgo, and there will be a nice window of time until 3:29 pm, PDT on August 1st, when she trines Pluto, to make your intentions, especially in these areas:
· Creative
· Romantic
· Dramatic
· Dignified
· Loyal
· Self-assured
· Proud
· Generous
Check to see where 05°39’ Leo lands in your chart. That area of your life is being LIT UP this month and you can intend in those areas as well!
1st House - One of the most important points in a chart; I or me, personality, body, health, physical appearance, how one is seen, how one sees the world
2nd House - My belongings, finances, earning power, values, resources, self-worth
3rd House - My communication, letters, emails…, siblings, neighbors, immediate surroundings, close travel, primary schooling
4th House - My home, real estate, private life, parents, roots, ancestry, foundation
5th House - My creativity, children (both human & artistic) drama, vacations, parties, fun, love affairs, romance, gambling, speculation, hobbies
6th House - My health, diet, work, job, employment, employees, dependents, mundane duties, hygiene, personal habits, pets
7th House/Opposite 1st House – Your others, partners, marriage, divorce, lawsuits, contracts, open enemies
8th House/Opposite 2nd House - Others’ belongings, support received from others, inheritance, legacies, insurance, taxes, trusts, secrets, sex, transformation, metaphysics, occult
9th House/Opposite 3rd House - Higher mind, philosophy, religion, higher learning, psychology, distant travel, foreigners, big business, law
10th House/Opposite 4th House - Profession, career, standing in community, status, fame, influence one has within one’s sphere
11th House/Opposite 5th House - Goals, wishes, friends, money obtained through one’s profession, groups & associations which are related to career
12th House/Opposite 6th House - Seclusion, suffering, sorrow, confinement, limitation, that which is hidden from sight, hidden strengths or weaknesses, secrets, self-undoing, subconscious mind, selfless service to others, charity
Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash
Another benefit to writing your intentions during the weekend is that it will also give you an opportunity to “capture” that MEGA potent Uranian energy from the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction that’s coming up on Sunday & Monday. If you haven't read my last post, here it is:
Are you already feeling the build up? Depending on where it is showing up in your chart and whether any of your personal planets or sensitive degrees are being “blessed” by this intense conjunction, you may certainly already be feeling it! It can feel like major promptings that are urging you along your evolutionary path, but it can feel uncomfortable. The South Node is our comfort zone, not the North Node!
This season of Leo is the perfect time to creatively and bravely embrace the very thing that your soul is begging for…
The next step on your path is always into the unknown, so breathe and step and enjoy the journey!
If you are feeling called for some astrological guidance to see what your future has in store for you, then consider my Initial Consultation HERE, or one of my other services HERE.
William & I wish you much joy, peace, & success as you navigate these “interesting times” that we find ourselves in!