Happy Nurturing Cancer New Moon!
This Year’s Cancer New Moon Brings a Mixed Bag of Blessings!
The Moon is at home in her domicile sign of Cancer, so when the Moon joins with the Sun there, this is a very special time to focus on that which is most nurturing for you.
As Marie Kondo asks, “What sparks joy?”

Mom & me
Our thoughts gravitate to our younger years with our families, and memories of our mothers can present themselves. Thoughts become feelings, and nostalgia permeates the air!
This summer’s Cancer New Moon (07°23’ Cancer) happens at 7:52 PM, PDT, on June 28th (my youngest sister Marlee’s birthday…Happy Birthday, sis!).

Me, Marlee, & Kat ~ I look a bit concerned about the angle of Marlee's cake! ;)
As with everything on this lovely planet, there is both harmony and challenge with today’s New Moon.
Jupiter at 07°19’ Aries forms a tight square to the Sun & Moon…
On its own, I don’t normally raise alarm bells with a Jupiter square. Being the greater benefic, Jupiter squares tend to bring a great sense of joviality, but at its worst can be too much of a good thing—Jupiter in Aries is answering to a strong and aggravated Mars; who is in his home sign of Aries; who just joined with his “goddess of discord” sister, Eris, last night; and this Friday, July 1st , Mars & Pluto will perfect their square, which also shows up in this New Moon chart!
All we have to do is turn on the news at any moment to know what an aggravated Mars looks like, and his sister is like a feminine version of “the god of war.” Here is a link to a blog where I write about Eris (LINK).
Now, one of the big themes of this year is the US Pluto return…
I blogged about the 1st great conjunction, which if you haven’t read it yet, you can read about here: Transformation is Upon U.S. ~ Pluto Returns!. The 2nd of three conjunctions will happen on July 11th at 27°33’. Not only will Mars agitate transiting Pluto, but he’s also agitating the Unites States’ natal Pluto, “the god of the underworld.” It’s a time to find out “where the bodies are buried.”
There are several more layers to consider with the chart of the US and this year’s astrology. In 1776 Mars at 21°23’ Gemini formed a square with the Neptune, (22°25’ Virgo). That square in the US’s chart will be aggravated this fall and into 2023.
If you recall from my past blogs and posts, Neptune rules our highest ideals, dreams, fantasy, and deception, so the energy seems to be manifesting as an agitation around uncovering old deceptions! Neptune has also just stationed to go retrograde, so we are entering the season of revisiting what these themes mean to all of us.
Not only are we having a Pluto return this year, but the US will also have a Mars return as well…
We all know that our country didn’t have the most peaceful founding, and on top of that, and just to make sure that we learn whatever martial lessons we need to learn, Mars will go retrograde and move over that sensitive degree 3 times, beginning on October 4th, then again on November 23rd, and lastly on March 6th of next year.

The wound is where the light enters you.”
~ Rumi
I didn’t necessarily intend to go this far forward into the astrology of the rest of the year, but there’s something about this Mars return & retrograde in Gemini that is bringing up thoughts around making sure that our cyber-world is secure. Fortifying our own passwords has been on my mind, and I would be remiss to not invite you to do the same.
You know how important it is to be conscious of what we focus on…
Being aware of potential challenges allows us to make wiser choices. My invitation is always to take notice of what is happening around you, and then check in with yourself to see if any part of you or your world needs to be fortified. Kind of like internal “battening down the hatches.” This is one of those kinds of weeks. Knowledge is empowering!
Okay, back to the Cancer New Moon…
Along with the very potent and not very peaceful aspects concerning Mars, we will also have Venus in Gemini forming a harmonious sextile (60°) with Jupiter. This brings in a delightful energy, which I invite you to really focus on. What creative new thing are you wanting to bring into the world?
This is what I am choosing to delight in! William and I are beginning the project of creating his music video for his first song: “If Your Heart Won’t Crack.” We've already filmed some shots and I am so excited to play with the video software! We recently shared it, but if you haven’t heard it yet, there is a link to it via this blog… (LINK) Here are some Cancer themes for your New Moon Intentions:
William & I wish you much joy, peace, & success as you navigate these “interesting times” that we find ourselves in!