Virgo New Moon ~ Surfing the Waves
Have you ever tried catching a wave, or watched a surfer catching a wave? A wave can be caught too early or too late…well the wave is coming…and the discerning energy of this year's Virgo New Moon can help you find your sweet spot...

Photo by BEN SELWAY on Unsplash
On this Labor Day, at 5:51 PM PDT, Luna will join with Sol at 14° Virgo. The timing of this New Moon landing on Labor Day is curious given that Virgo loves mundane work!
Can you feel the wave(s)?
There are several very close aspects that are woven into this New Moon and will therefore color this next lunar cycle…
· Uranus is in an extremely tight trine to the Sun & the Moon.
This next lunar cycle has the potential to catapult you light years ahead with your plans. That said, be prepared to be surprised when something completely out of the blue lands on your path and changes everything for the better!
· Mars in Virgo is trine Pluto in Capricorn.
This fuels a strong sense of mission that can make a huge impact in the world.
We are reminded that our work in the world does not have to be all grit and filled with sacrifice.
· Venus, who loves being in her own domicile in Libra brings a lighter, more flowing, and juicy energy for collaboration as she trines Jupiter in Aquarius.
As with life on earth, rarely is everything all lovely or all doom and gloom...
· We are in the midst of the Eris square to Pluto that began in January of 2020 and will complete this October. Yesterday, Venus joined in by forming a T-square to Pluto & Eris.
There is contention in the air having to do with women’s rights and the arbitrary heavy-handed word of the Lord of the underworld!
· Today, Mercury begins his final retrograde of the year as he enters his shadow at 10°08’ of Libra.
He will travel up to 25°28’ and then turn backward on September 26th. His journey will take him all the way back to 10°08’ Libra when he will station direct on October 18th. Then he will complete his journey through his post retrograde shadow when he reaches 25°28’ Libra on November 2nd.
Remember that Mercury retrogrades are not to be feared. These periods are fantastic opportunities to take a breath and review, revise, revisit…all of those “re” words!
So with this “roll up the sleeves Virgo New Moon,” what is your unique contribution to the world?
· This week, especially between September 7th at 8:20 pm, PDT and September 9th at 9:48 pm when the Moon joins with Venus at the last degree of Libra, we all have a beautiful window of time to “make hay!”
So if your intentions are for creating a peace-loving world with room for lots of collaborative joy, this is when I would recommend doing your New Moon ritual/intention setting ceremony.
· The Moon & Venus will soon move into Scorpio where neither of them are particularly comfortable, but they can certainly get a lot of important work done.
· There is another window of time between September 9th at 11:05 pm PDT and September 11th at 10:33 pm, PDT when the Moon sextiles Mars and then goes Void-of-Course.
This would certainly be a potent time to set your intentions as well!
Virgo Themes:
· Methodical
· Organized
· Exacting
· Precise
· Perfectionist
· Industrious
· Discerning
· Discriminating
Happy journaling and enjoy the lovely surprises that Uranus plunks onto your path!