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New Moon in the Sign of the Scales

This year’s Libra New Moon packs a punch with the Sun and Moon opposite Jupiter, and all of them are in stressful aspects with the building final square between Saturn & Uranus.

The New Moon is sesquiquadrate, or sesquisquare (135°) to Saturn and Uranus, while Jupiter is forming a semi-square (45°) to both Saturn and Uranus.

There is a “Hammer of Thor” here and somebody’s about to get whacked!

Both of my parents were Libras, which in my mind was a great blessing. They did their best to create harmony and to be very fair, which is no small feat while raising children!

One of the things I value most about them was that they made a point of making sure we were clear about why we were being punished if we ever transgressed… “This is going to hurt me more than it will you!” …I’m sure that was true, but also so necessary to nip some activity in the bud before it got out of control.

Thor’s Hammer is an aspect pattern where one or more planets are sesquiquadrate (135°) to 2 or more planets that are square to each other. It’s extremely stressful, given that 135° is a combination of a square and a semi-square and the planets involved are somewhat forced to interact with each other, but would rather not!

Great tension can build if we’re not mindful.

This is the gift of awareness, for with foreknowledge we can prep ourselves and rise above any potential challenges. This does not mean that we bypass the conflict, and therefore the breakthrough, which is before us, though the Libran energy might be tempted to do that…Libra is loath to create conflict!

Fortunately, the Libran archetype is peacekeeping. Ironically, for the Peacekeeper to express him/herself, there must be conflict to be mitigated. I envision a world where this won’t need to be the case, but for now, it is.

I love the image and premise of the Mobius coil, where we can travel on one side and end up on the other. Something to ponder....

Photo by Kevin Chin on Unsplash

The Final Saturn/Uranus Square

Throughout 2021, we had Saturn in Aquarius (which he rules, and according to modern astrologers so does Uranus) square to Uranus in Taurus.

They are serving the purpose of shaking up the old structures of society and systems of our world in order to create new systems that (hopefully) work for everyone. At least that is the ideal that I’m rooting for! They made their last partile (exact or perfect) square on December 24, 2021, and some might have thought, “Well that’s that!”

Not so fast! Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on your opinion or vantage point) they are coming close enough, but not exactly, to form another square with each other...NOW!

  • On September 14, 2022, their tightening square came within 1° of exactitude. On October 3rd they’ll be at their closest at 37’ from an exact square to each other and then they will slowly begin to unwind their tensions.

  • Technically, they’ll be arguing until October 23rd and probably beyond since they’ll be square with an increasingly wider orb until January 6, 2023 (for the Astro-nerds among you, I’m using an 8° orb).

Photo by Diana Schröder-Bode on Unsplash

Jupiter in Aries is reminding us that with every relationship individuals are involved, and sometimes those individuals have different ideas about what should be and how things should be done.

Oppositions give us an opportunity to gain perspective, if we are open to the possibility that someone else’s ideas might have credence.

Aries is more concerned with self, while Libra realizes that we’d all be very lonely without others. We realize that there is no I in WE. The world offers a perfect mirror for us to harness the reins of our evolution.

Bless our lovely partners in contrast, who show us another point of view!

Thank goodness Pluto is throwing only harmonious aspects into the mix, adding a delicious intensity and tenacity which compels us to continue venturing forth into the vast and exciting new territory of our heart’s desire. Go forth with love in your heart, while remembering that your precious others are finding their way as well in this new world that we are all co-creating!

Libra New Moon Intention Themes:

Marriage / Partnerships / Teamwork









Healing Co-dependency & Indecision

There are several excellent windows of time to do your New Moon Intention setting ceremony:

Note: I do not recommend setting intentions when the Moon is void-of-course. The closing aspect (the last aspect that the Moon makes when she goes VOC) is key to setting the tone.

  • The closing aspect when the Libra Moon goes void-of-course on September 27th at 9:21 am PDT, is a square to Pluto. If there is anything that you are ready to completely release this is the time to do it!

  • The next window will open at 4:14 pm PDT, on September 27th and run until September 29th at 2:20 pm PDT, when the Moon sextiles Pluto. This could be a juicy time to plant some fertile seeds.

Happy intending and remember that the more that we are focused on balance, peace, and harmony (Libran ideals) during this Mercury retrograde, the easier each of our journeys will be…

Enjoy your journey and know that you are always in the right place at the right time!

With love & blessings,


PS: If you are feeling called for some astrological guidance to see what your future has in store for you, then consider my Initial Consultation HERE, or one of my other services HERE.

PPS: I know that every election season we hear, "This is the most important election...!" This one is. Here's a great resource to help you make sure that you're still registered, etc.: Register To Vote With HeadCount | Voter Registration & Information


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