Happy Father’s Day Summer Solstice!
We have a big week ahead!
With the official ingress of the Sun into Cancer at 8:32 PM PDT, we are in for a jovial beginning of the summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere.

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash
The Sun is trine Jupiter, who has just stationed to go retrograde in Pisces where he has stirred up our highest aspirations for our lives and the world. Optimism, goodwill, and a sense of expansiveness permeates the atmosphere, and we are bound to have some wonderful times as life is generally opening up here in the U.S. and throughout the world.
The Sun and Jupiter will form a wide watery grand trine with the Moon in Scorpio. Along with the expansive, fun-loving atmosphere, there will also be a lot of luscious, juicy, emotional energy! For couples and those who want to be coupled, this is a beautiful time to enjoy being with each other and truly expressing that which makes being human so special…our feelings.
Mercury Retrograde
Many have made note that this has been a particularly confusing and tricky Mercury retrograde, especially with regard to technical difficulties. Mercury is extraordinarily strong in his own domicile of Gemini! I’ve been on more than one Zoom call where I was so tempted to say, “Well, you know….”
You have a few more days to revise, review, and replot any special plans that you have, and then he will station direct at 3 PM PDT this coming Tuesday the 22nd at 16° Gemini, and then he will completely clear his shadow on July 7th.
Capricorn Strawberry Super Full Moon
On June 24th, the Sun and Moon will oppose each other, and we will have our Capricorn Full Moon at 3°28’. Happily, the Sun and Moon will also be forming a trine and sextile to Jupiter, which will create some delightful energies.
Anyone with planets in the earth and water signs from 1° – 5° should feel particularly blessed by this month’s, beautiful Full Moon. The rewards will surely flow to those who have done their work, as the success-oriented Capricorn Moon is all about achievement and tangible results!
Neptune Stations Retrograde
This week is not without a layer of confusion or directionless feel as Neptune stations to go retrograde on Friday, June 25th at 23°12’. For about a week before and after the moment of an outer planet’s station to either go retrograde or direct, we feel it…particularly if you have planets or sensitive degrees between 21° and 25° degrees of any sign.
I would steer clear of making big plans this Friday because Neptune has the effect of dissolving whatever it aspects. For that matter, with Mercury stationing direct on Tuesday, it would be best to avoid major decisions between Monday and Saturday.
That said, this next month should feel much lighter than many of the previous months of our recent history.
Enjoy the beginning of summer if you are in the north, and the beginning of winter for our southern friends!