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Leo New Moon As Mercury Moves Forward!

This Leo New Moon is asking us to authentically live our heart’s truth!

There is a lot of very potent energy happening under the beams of this dark Moon. On Wednesday, July 31st, at 8:11 pm, less than an hour before Mercury turns to go direct, we will have our Leo New Moon at 8°37’.

Leo is the only sign that the Sun rules. In ancient times the Sun signified royalty and authority. Deeply loyal, with a flair for creativity and drama, Leos know how to shine and radiate warmth just like their ruler!

Photo by Jeremy Avery on Unsplash

Venus, who loves to lavish the object (or perhaps in Leo that should be subject) of her love with luxurious expressions of affection, will be conjunct the Sun & Moon and closing in on her cazimi (exact conjunction) with the Sun on August 13th.

Uranus is square Sun/Moon/Venus, bringing his gift of spontaneity. Now Uranus is typically the planet of change, and disruption. If ever there was a time to be open to the new and unexpected, this next month is that month. This can be a challenge for the fixed sign of Leo! In fact, anyone with planets in fixed signs between roughly 5° - 9° will be getting lessons on flexibility!

Chiron is trine the New Moon letting us know that it’s a safe place for us to open our hearts and be true to ourselves.

As we move into the warmer months of summer, enjoy the generous gifts that Leo brings…just don’t make any plans that you aren’t willing to be flexible about…because Uranus will be testing us!

So let's all be like this supple lioness and get our downward cat on!

Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash

It's time to be agile and ready for our wonderful new life...

we just need to be willing to release our old one!

~ ~ ~

Remember to make your New Moon intentions...the windows of time are from:

July 31st, 8:11 pm until August 1st at 1:48 pm, PDT

August 2nd, 6:20 am until August 3rd at 9:27 pm, PDT

Leo Topics to get your intending juices flowing:

  • Love/Passion/Romance

  • Loyalty

  • Creativity

  • Dignity

  • Fun/Celebration

  • Generosity

  • Tempering Ego

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