The Leo Super Blue Blood Moon of 2018
Can you feel the excitement building?
For those of us on the west coast of the United States, we have a rare opportunity. If we choose to rise before the Sun and look to the west we will see the Super Moon being engulfed by the shadow of the Earth.

Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash
Full moons are a wonder to behold, but lunar eclipses are a phenomenon that invite us to go within and ponder many deep meanings of the universe. When I see an eclipse I am struck with our connection to nature and the realization that this world we live upon is small in the grand scheme of things.
Twice a year when the Sun gets close enough to the Moon's Nodes, we have what we call "eclipse season." The Super Blood Moon of January 31, 2018 is not only the first eclipse of 2018, it is also a Super Moon because the Moon is closer to the Earth (in perigee) and this is a "Blue Moon" (the second Full Moon of January).

Photo by
While people in most of the continental United States will be able to see some portion of the eclipse..."lucky viewers in California and western Canada will see "the total eclipse phase from start to finish," NASA says. "At 4:51 a.m., totality will begin, with best viewing between about 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. local time. The totality phase ends about 6:05 a.m."
I know that William and I will be setting our alarms!

Photo by NASA
As you watch this wonder of nature, feel the vibrant Leonine energies of the Moon embolden you and inspire you to venture forth in your creative endeavors.
During this eclipse the Moon is conjunct Ceres (Demeter of the Greeks) in Leo. The Moon represents the divine feminine and Ceres is the quintessential mother of mythology. In Leo, they join together in calling for us to embody a deeply loyal, warm, and generous kind of nurturing.

Photo by Tom Skarbek-Wazynski on Unsplash
The feminine principle of this alignment of the Moon and Ceres is fiercely protective! I am being reminded that no matter how busy we can be in this fast-paced world we live in, this lunar eclipse bids us to take pause, take stock, and notice those around us, who may need us to be their champions.
How will you nurture those metaphoric cubs in your life?