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The Moon's Nodes are Finally Backing into the Leo/Aquarius Axis

We have a special event happening tomorrow, May 9th. The Nodes of the Moon will be moving from the Virgo/Pisces axis into the Leo/Aquarius axis.

The Nodes of the Moon travel in a retrograde motion (backwards), taking approximately 18 years to travel through the zodiac. With the North Node in Leo, we will be collectively called to step into the spotlight and own our leadership. This will greatly support those of us who are ready to embrace greater sovereignty in our lives.

If you have at all felt during this past election cycle that there had been a leadership vacuum, perhaps you’ll feel differently in the next few years. Leaders will pop out of the woodwork. The time of being a faceless part of the crowd may leave many with a bad taste in their mouths…this is our time to break out and display our creativity. This is not to say that we’ll reject the needs of the many, to the contrary we’ll see some very innovative solutions to the massive problems that have been presenting themselves for humanity.

Each month, the Sun and the Moon create the New Moon, which is when the Moon is conjunct, or next to the Sun, and Full Moon, when the Moon is opposite the Sun. When their degree of conjunction or opposition is close to the Moon’s Nodes, we will be in eclipse season.

This summer we will have a very special opportunity for those who live in North America. We will have a Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st at 28°53’ Leo. The Sun and Moon will be trining Uranus (which will have just started his retrograde and will be at 28°23’ of Aries), echoing the bold impulsive and independent fire that we have in the sky this year.

I would like to mention here for those who may be new to astrology that trines

and sextiles are harmonious aspects between two planets, while squares and oppositions tend to be more challenging.

Mercury will be retrograde during this New Moon/Solar Eclipse and will be backing up to this degree in Leo at 28°26’, where he’ll station to go direct on September 5th. For any of you with planets or sensitive points in the last degrees of fire, this powerful eclipse will bless you. For any of you who have fixed planets in the last 5 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, then you may feel this eclipse very strongly! Breathe and remember that diamonds are formed by heat and pressure, and the best wine comes from grapes that have struggled! Challenges can create growth and inspire creativity.

This summer’s eclipse is being called “The Great American Eclipse” and will span the entire mainland United States, from coast to coast. The band of totality will enter the U.S. from the west coast of Oregon and exit on the east coast in South Carolina. The last time we had a U.S. coast to coast total eclipse was on June 8th, 1918.

According to NASA, the last total solar eclipse viewed from contiguous United States was on Feb. 26, 1979 whose path passed through the northwestern U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. After the August 2017 total solar eclipse, the next annular solar eclipse that can be seen in the continental United States will be on October 14, 2023 which will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, we will have a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine.

For more details, check out:


I know that I’m excited to witness this once in a lifetime event and will be ordering my special viewing glasses soon!

There is much to dissect about the meaning of this particular eclipse, especially how it will be affecting our president's stay tuned….

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