Libra New Moon Special Offer!
Relationship Package
($75 Value for Only $50):
* 2 Natal Charts & Reports:
Discover who you are, the traits you were born with, your personality, gifts, challenges, propensity for success in love and career ~ Very revealing! (Includes two charts and two 25+ page reports
e-mailed to you today)
* FREE Compatibility Report:
​One of my favorite reports! Very insightful view of any relationship between two people (friends, family members or lovers).

Thank you for your order! Please send both sets of birthdata: names, dates, accurate times, (4 minutes makes a difference) and places of
birth, in an email to: AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow@gmail.com
"Thank you for allowing me to shine a light on your path!"
Elise Hicks
Quantum Astrologer
We here at AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow.com and S.P.A. for the SOUL™ are very careful with the information that is provided to us by our clients and website visitors. My husband, William Hicks, and I, Elise Hicks, are the only ones who see the data that is collected—e-mail addresses, names, websites, birth data, any other personal information shared with us—in order to interact with our astrology clients and run their charts and reports, or to follow up with people who have expressed an interest in our astrology services. The data is kept in a very secure location with the latest security protection, and it will never be shared with anyone outside of the business for any reason.
Your privacy is very important to us here at AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow.com and S.P.A. for the SOUL™.
We are grateful for your business and trust!