Gypsy Soul Special!

Please send birthdata (date, place, and accurate time, ...
4 minutes makes a difference) along with your city of residence,
& Code: CeceRo, in an email to:
Thank you for allowing me to shine a light on your path!
I am excited to be offering a very special S.P.A. for the Soul ~ Gypsy Soul package!
Let's usher in this Summer in the most empowering way possible!
My Gypsy Soul Package Includes:
* A 1-hour Consultation (plus prep time)
* A Natal Chart & Report & A Harmonic Highlights Report:
Discover who you are, the traits you were born with, your personality, gifts, challenges, propensity for success in love and career ~ Very revealing!
* A 1-Year Transit Report, A 1-Year Progression Report,
& A Solar Return Report :
Your Planetary ‘Weather Report.’ Is it sunny or raining in your world? As the planets move, they can affect us in various ways. We can better exercise our free will when we are clear about the forecast.
* 12 of the Purist Essential Oils on the Planet & A Diffuser:
Each drop of these Young Living Essential oils contains 40 million trillion molecules, which means that each of your cells gets over 1 million molecules to help transform your body and life for the better!
* An Astrocartography Report:
Based on our birth charts, some places are better for us than others.
Discover the details on the city of your choice.
Only $165 ($565 value!) so click on the icon below:
Consultation & Reports for only $150 ($400 value)
Reports Only for only $50 ($150 value)
Please send birthdata (date, place, and accurate time, ...
4 minutes makes a difference) along with your city of residence,
& Code: CeceRo,
in an email to: AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow@gmail.com
Thank you for allowing me to shine a light on your path!
Elise Hicks
Your Quantum Astrologer

As indicated in the chart below, the Sun, Moon, and planets rule different signs as well as your distinct body parts and systems, especially depending on where they fall in your birth chart and how they trigger you along your life’s journey.
Essential oils can be your friend when your birth chart gets triggered and various health and personal challenges arise, or when certain areas of your life could use a little enhancing!
Set Up a Call with Spryte Loriano
Our Expert on Essential Oils
To set up a 3-way call with Spryte Loriano and get all of your questions answered regarding essential oils and how they can be used to enhance your life, then please feel free to send an email to astrologyasabovesobelow@gmail.com and we will set that up!
Since ancient times, essential oils have been used for prosperity, healing, courage, protection, and many other purposes. You are about to learn the POWER of essential oils, and how one drop contains 40 million trillion molecules, which enter every cell of your body to literally transform you and your life...
...so reach out TODAY!

Gypsy Soul Special with Essential Oils
For just the price of oils and a diffuser, I will gift you my 1-hour Initial Consultation! This is a value of $565 for only $165, which includes a diffuser and 12 of the purest essential oils on Earth...Young Living Essential Oils...and a few other items!
In the Bible, the Magi used astrology and essential oils to guide them, so this is your opportunity to do the same. Let the planets and the oils guide you to your own inner Christ Consciousness because we are the ones for whom we've been waiting...the world wants and needs YOU to shine!
Included in the Initial Consultation is:
Natal Chart & Report
Solar Return (Annual Birthday Chart & Report)
Harmonic Highlights Report
1-year Transit Report
1-year Progression Report
Astrocartography Report (Geographic Report for 1 city)
I would love to guide you, but whatever you decide, may this year be better than the last one, and may all your deepest and dearest dreams come true…
Warmest regards,
Your Quantum Astrologer
Click on the image below to get your Premium Starter Bundle with Desert Mist Diffuser, 12 Essential Oils, a 1-hour consultation, & 6 reports...
After you order the Premium Starter Bundle, please send your birth data (date, place, and accurate time - 4 minutes makes a difference) along with your city of residence in an email to:
Thank you for allowing me to shine a light on your path!
Professional Coaching is your friend, especially when your birth chart gets triggered and various health and personal challenges arise, or when certain areas of your life could use a little enhancing!
This is when the "Quantum" in Quantum Astrology really comes into play.
So via Young Living, we have partnered with Jack Canfield, the extremely gifted success coach and author of numerous books, such as the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series and "The Success Principles."
For just the cost of the purist essential oils on Earth, you can have access to success coaching with world-renowned Jack Canfield, Spryte Loriano, and many others on our Young Living Team, as well as receive my Intial Consultation shared above. Again, this is a $565 package for only $165...that's 70% off!
Click on the image below to get your Premium Starter Bundle with Desert Mist Diffuser and begin the next phase of your journey...
You deserve to have all of your dreams come true!

We here at AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow.com and S.P.A. for the SOUL™ are very careful with the information that is provided to us by our clients and website visitors. My husband, William Hicks, and I, Elise Hicks, are the only ones who see the data that is collected— e-mail addresses, names, websites, birth data, any other personal information shared with us — in order to interact with our astrology clients and run their charts and reports, or to follow up with people who have expressed an interest in our astrology services. The data is kept in a very secure location with the latest security protection, and it will never be shared with anyone outside of the business for any reason.
Your privacy is very important to us here at AstrologyAsAboveSoBelow.com and S.P.A. for the SOUL™.
We are grateful for your business and trust!