Gemini Solar Eclipse ~ An Invitation to Rewrite Your Story!
As we are approaching tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse on June 10th at 3:52 AM PDT at 19° Gemini, I am here to remind you that this is a perfect time to release anything that is no longer serving you!
Here’s the path of the eclipse for those of us (most of the world) who won’t be
able to catch this “ring of fire” eclipse - amazing & slightly ominous that
during a time when the arctic is being frozen to support the
weight of oil-drilling rigs, it is traveling right
over the North Pole!
If you have been wondering what on Earth (or in the cosmos) has been going on these past several weeks, we have a lot going on. Not only are we in the middle of eclipse season but Mercury is retrograde.
And tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse will land just 1 degree from Mercury!
It’s almost as if the lord of Gemini, who is commanding a lot of attention from us right now, is holding the door open to his bustling abode and welcoming in the Sun and Moon to his interesting, eclectic, yet very confusing party.
Several aspects jump out…the trio (Sun/Moon/Mercury) are square Neptune in Pisces, and trine Saturn in Aquarius.
Have you been feeling a bit confused lately? Retrograde Mercury has been squaring off with nebulous Neptune for the past three weeks.
Mercury in Gemini is prompting a multitude of ideas, interests, and game plans while Neptune has been splashing his dreamy, poetic, “wouldn’t it be more fun if we just escaped for a while?” ethic into our world.

Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash
Fortunately, the realist Saturn is in the mix, and while he’s not putting a kibosh on our multiple dreams, goals, and ideas, he is definitely here to support us in honing our main plan.
There may not be many times that we would be grateful for Saturn, but this is one of those times!
So, definitely meditate and envision all of the wonderful idealistic possibilities that you’d like to birth into your world…and then make your list and plan your plan!
Speaking of making your list, get clear on what you are releasing between now and 3:52 AM PDT on June 10th, when we get the eclipse. Then after the eclipse there will be a window up until June 15th at 10:27 AM PDT to work on your list of intentions for the next 6 months.
For your intention pleasure…here are some Gemini themes:
· Quick-witted
· Communication
· Expressive
· Adaptable
· Inventive
· Literary
· Dexterous
· Curious
· Clever
· Flexible
It is time to release what you no longer need so that you can make room to receive what you want...happy intention writing!
Where does this particular New Moon/Solar Eclipse land in your chart? This indicates what's "up" for you during the next month, but because it's an eclipse...for at least the next 6 months!
· 1st House ~ The Self/Body
· 2nd House ~ Possessions/Our Own Resources/Values
· 3rd House ~ Early/Education/Communication/Writing/ Siblings/Neighbors
· 4th House ~ Home/Real Estate/Foundation/Ancestry
· 5th House ~ Fun/Love & Romance/Creativity/Children/Speculation
· 6th House ~ Health/Pets/Work/Job
· 7th House ~ Marriage/Partners/Open Enemies
· 8th House ~ Partner’s Resources/Inheritances/Metaphysics
· 9th House ~ Higher Learning/Long Distance Travel/Philosophy
· 10th House ~ Career/How One Shows Up in the World
· 11th House ~ Friends/Groups & Associations/Hopes & Dreams
· 12th House ~ Solitude/Confinement/Secrets/Selfless Service to Others/Spiritual Enlightenment
To discover more about how this eclipse will affect you personally, please visit my Initial Consultation page.
