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Jupiter into Capricorn - Time to Manifest!

On this Moon-day, the Moon in Aquarius has been Void of Course until she moves into Pisces at 11:10 PM, PST. This is a great time to take care of existing chores, but not to initiate any new or lofty plans.

Given that Jupiter moved into Capricorn this morning, you may not be feeling like implementing any lofty plans today anyway!

Jupiter takes 12 years to travel through the entire zodiac, so he spends roughly a year in each sign.

Today he moved from his favorite sign, Sagittarius, into his not so favorite sign of Capricorn.

The expansive sky-god, Jupiter, rules Sagittarius, so he has been very comfortable for the past year being the grand benefactor and reminding us to follow our dreams.

In Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, Jupiter is a bit cramped. Saturn’s harsh, cold reality puts a big damper on Jupiter’s buoyancy, bringing him down to earth where he is reminded of the importance of working to make our dreams come true.

“God helps those who help themselves!”

My grandmother had an expression, “Pray as if it’s all up to God and then work as if it’s all up to you!”

Something about these sayings feels a bit like the sobriety of Jupiter in Capricorn.

It may take us a few weeks to get the hang of this more serious expression of Jupiter, but by this Christmas’ solar eclipse, he will be officially initiated into the manifestation sign.

In Sagittarius, Jupiter invited us to dream impossible dreams. Now, in practical Capricorn, it's time to roll up our sleeves...

Our dreams are worth the work!

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