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Taurus Full Moon ~ Savor the Gifts of Fall

Twice a year, when the Moon is full, she is a bit happier than during other times. When she is in Cancer, for example, she is in her home sign, the sign that she rules. For this Full Moon, she will be in Taurus where she is exalted… So when the Sun is in Scorpio or Capricorn and we have a Full Moon, the Moon reminds us that no matter how much pain or work we may endure, we still have so much to be grateful for in terms of simply appreciating the gifts of our senses or the nurturing love that we share with those closest to us.

We chose to incarnate into the 3rd dimension for many reasons, but when the Moon is in Taurus, we have the perfect opportunity to enjoy the more sensual side of life!

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

On Tuesday morning, just before the Sun rises and the Moon sets on November 12th at 5:34 AM PST, the Moon will arrive at 19°52’ of Taurus and she will be exactly opposite the Sun in Scorpio.

These past few weeks have been particularly intense for so many of us!

Mars who is already not very happy, given that he's in detriment in Libra, has squared off with both Saturn and then Pluto in Capricorn, creating quite a bit of upheaval!

Mercury has also been retrograde, inviting us to do a deep, deep dive into Scorpio’s depths.

Have you noticed any ancient wounds rising to the surface to be healed? This particular Mercury Retrograde cycle is a gift for all of us who are committed to our evolutionary transformation! Just because we were deeply wounded by some event as a child does not mean that we must continue to carry the scars with us into the rest of our lives. When an old wound is brought to the surface, it is truly a gift, albeit painful, because we can choose to move on and release ourselves from the shackles of pain…

Now that The Moon has moved into Taurus we have a perfect opportunity to get present, release the past and give ourselves the gift of grounding into the Earth and enjoy the richness of the fruits of Gaia!

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

This week is a beautiful week to appreciate the gifts of the harvest!

If you are in a part of the world where we are immersed in Autumn, relish in the changing colors of the leaves, add a little pumpkin spice to your coffee, and breathe in the warming scents of an Autumn scented candle. If it is Spring in your world, then I am sure that there are beautiful reminders all around you that nature is richly abundant.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

The Moon will be very closely conjunct Vesta during this Full Moon, giving more emphasis on the importance of enjoying your home, keeping the hearth lit, and focusing on nourishing your loved ones!

This Full Moon will also be trine the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. For those of us who have been a bit slammed by the Saturn-Pluto party, may this lunation bring a welcome reprieve and help us all to enjoy the spendor of Fall!

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